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Canvas prints are supplied printed & stretched on FSC certified bars ready for hanging and are available in a range of sizes.


Certificates of Authenticity are available on request.

Daisy Daisy Daisy Canvas Print

  • Archival quality canvas

    Canvas is a museum grade OBA free, 450 micron canvas with a poly-cotton blend, semi-gloss finish, with a medium texture and 2:1 weave construction. We print onto a roll width of 54” for maximum flexibility.


    Canvases are hand stretched using FSC certified premium stretcher bars with a 24mm or 44m profile that we hold in stock in many sizes. Each stretched canvas comes with padded backs and will be ready for flush to wall hanging with a premium finish.

    Exceptionally sharp printing

    Canvases are printed at 1440 dpi for maximum print definition that needs to be seen to be believed.

    Wide-gamut printing

    We use high-gamut 9 colour Epson GSX inks for superior results. Our combination of printer, inks and canvas offer the best possible printing technology currently available.

    Durable surface

    The nature of solvent inks ensures that the surface is extremely durable and does not require additional varnishing. Because of the fast drying heat process the inks are strongly bonded to the canvas surface.

    Colour managed output

    Similar to our giclée printing, we use custom ICC output profiles for the most accurate colour reproduction

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